Identity. Passion. Purpose.

  • About Narrow Gate
    Narrow Gate holds to a single core purpose: to invest our resources for the Glory of God by making disciples of Jesus. As a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, inspiring, and empowering Christian discipleship, we equip and train young men, develop business discipleship platforms, and serve the Church locally and globally.


    Bill & Stacy Spencer founded Narrow Gate in 2004 when they invited two young men to come stay in their home. Adam Stoner and Rob Rogers were both 19 years old and looking for direction in their lives. While living with the Spencers, Rob and Adam shared their dream of starting a wilderness program to help other young men like them.

    “We wanted to create something for guys like us who had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives. We had both tried college right out of high school and it was an enormous failure for us both. We didn’t know how to get started, so we asked Bill and Stacy to help. From then on our dream just grew until it became a reality.” – Adam

    “I didn’t know anything about God when Bill and Stacy invited me into their home. I was just glad to find a safe place to land that wasn’t my parent’s house. While living with Bill and Stacy I watched how they interacted and I wanted the peace they displayed. I became interested in knowing more about the “God” they talked about so often and it wasn’t long before I asked Christ into my life. Since then, my life has radically changed.” – Rob

    By the end of 2004, Bill and Stacy had seven young men living in their three-bedroom, two-bath house and they realized God was up to something very special. In time, faithful friends supported the Spencers in establishing a not-for-profit organization and Narrow Gate was born. Since Narrow Gate Lodge opened its doors, almost 500 young men have experienced life transformation and the discovery of Truth.

    In 2013, through the gifts of generous partners, Narrow Gate launched its first craft business, a wood, metal and leather shop designed to employ Narrow Gate students and graduates, engaging them in business enterprise and craftsmanship. Originally called Narrow Gate Artisans, and then Narrow Gate Trading Co., the business became known as a source for quality, hand-crafted wood and leather goods where every purchase helped to support the work of Narrow Gate Lodge.

    In 2018, Narrow Gate launched Narrow Gate Exchange to train and equip young men from other countries, enabling them to create sustainable Kingdom businesses with a goal of seeing communities and nations transformed with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ and emerging economies blessed and strengthened with jobs and hope.

    Over the coming decades our Narrow Gate vision will continue to grow. We believe in Christ’s mandate to love, serve and make disciples. We are dedicated to our calling and hope you will join us in this endeavor.

  • By The Numbers
    Since 2016, Narrow Gate has repeatedly received the Great Non-profits Top Rated badge. To read personal stories of transformed lives and reviews from our graduates, their families and our champions, click the badge below.

    To learn more, feel free to visit our Guidestar and Giving Matters profiles by clicking on the logos below

    To learn more, feel free to visit our Guidestar and Giving Matters profiles by clicking on the logos below

  • Our Team

    Executive Team


    Bill was raised in a small town in Northeast MO. He was an active young man interested in many things from building to wrestling to cars to music. Eventually his love for music brought him to Nashville where he worked in the music industry for almost 15 years. But it was his love for Jesus and the Word of God that eventually overcame his love for music and at 40 years old, God revealed Bill’s true purpose – to disciple young men and teach the Bible in unique and engaging ways. Bill is an ordained minister and sought after speaker. When he isn’t teaching at the Lodge, Bill spends time making guitars, tending to his 6 Mediterranean donkeys or traveling.

    Bill was raised in a small town in Northeast MO. He was an active young man interested in many things from building to wrestling to cars to music. Eventually his love for music brought him to Nashville where he worked in the music industry for almost 15 years. But it was his love for Jesus and the Word of God that eventually overcame his love for music and at 40 years old, God revealed Bill’s true purpose – to disciple young men and teach the Bible in unique and engaging ways. Bill is an ordained minister and sought after speaker. When he isn’t teaching at the Lodge, Bill spends time making guitars, tending to his 6 Mediterranean donkeys or traveling.


    Stacy came to Nashville by way of Mississippi and is a graduate of Belmont University. She enjoyed a rewarding career in the TV & Film industry before encountering Jesus and having her entire perspective on life radically change. Her passion these days is sharing life and truth with everyone she encounters and as the “mom” of Narrow Gate, she has learned how to live in the midst of hundreds of men! Relaxing for her involves gardening, reading, and just being outdoors. Fun fact: Stacy was a national clogging champ!

    Stacy came to Nashville by way of Mississippi and is a graduate of Belmont University. She enjoyed a rewarding career in the TV & Film industry before encountering Jesus and having her entire perspective on life radically change. Her passion these days is sharing life and truth with everyone she encounters and as the “mom” of Narrow Gate, she has learned how to live in the midst of hundreds of men! Relaxing for her involves gardening, reading, and just being outdoors. Fun fact: Stacy was a national clogging champ!

    ERIC DAVIS – Operations & Cultural Development

    As a Narrow Gate Graduate from 2006, Eric Davis has been serving the NG ministry and family for almost 17 years. His wisdom, heart and commitment to discipleship is inspiring, and his skills as a woodturner equally impressive. Eric hails from the great state of Wisconsin but considers Tennessee his home. He and his wife, Allie, have 2 daughters and some chickens!

    As a Narrow Gate Graduate from 2006, Eric Davis has been serving the NG ministry and family for almost 17 years. His wisdom, heart and commitment to discipleship is inspiring, and his skills as a woodturner equally impressive. Eric hails from the great state of Wisconsin but considers Tennessee his home. He and his wife, Allie, have 2 daughters and some chickens!


    As an entrepreneur at heart, Erin McAtee has a passion for developing others.  Since graduating from Belmont University in 2002, Erin built a career in software development, e-commerce, and digital product development, working for several companies over 16 years. While working at the latest, Ramsey Solutions, he and his wife, Bethany launched a ‘side hustle’ coffee roasting company.  That little company grew and eventually took them away from the security of an incredible employer to full-time small-business ownership.  God clearly and miraculously made a way for his coffee company to merge with Narrow Gate as an artisan brand that teaches craftsmanship in roasting while making disciples for Christ.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Today, Erin has the privilege to impact the next generation of business leaders as the Director of Business for Narrow Gate.  He is responsible for equipping these young leaders to run successful, profitable businesses while displaying the love of God to all their employees, trade partners and customers.

    As an entrepreneur at heart, Erin McAtee has a passion for developing others.  Since graduating from Belmont University in 2002, Erin built a career in software development, e-commerce, and digital product development, working for several companies over 16 years. While working at the latest, Ramsey Solutions, he and his wife, Bethany launched a ‘side hustle’ coffee roasting company.  That little company grew and eventually took them away from the security of an incredible employer to full-time small-business ownership.  God clearly and miraculously made a way for his coffee company to merge with Narrow Gate as an artisan brand that teaches craftsmanship in roasting while making disciples for Christ.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Today, Erin has the privilege to impact the next generation of business leaders as the Director of Business for Narrow Gate.  He is responsible for equipping these young leaders to run successful, profitable businesses while displaying the love of God to all their employees, trade partners and customers.

    Development Team


    Charlie came to Narrow Gate after an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Core. After experiencing a transformation in his identity through a strengthening of his relationship with God and increased Biblical literacy, Charlie was offered a position at NG Woodworks promoting our TN Box Beam brand to home builders and renovators. His success with relationship-building and disciple-making made it evident that God had designed Charlie for more than product sales. Today, he’s helping ensure our Core Values are lived out in each of our initiatives as he also builds new relationships with churches, businesses and people in our communities.

    Charlie came to Narrow Gate after an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Core. After experiencing a transformation in his identity through a strengthening of his relationship with God and increased Biblical literacy, Charlie was offered a position at NG Woodworks promoting our TN Box Beam brand to home builders and renovators. His success with relationship-building and disciple-making made it evident that God had designed Charlie for more than product sales. Today, he’s helping ensure our Core Values are lived out in each of our initiatives as he also builds new relationships with churches, businesses and people in our communities.


    Madison joined our team in January of 2021! She is a Franklin, TN native and married Narrow Gate graduate, Charlie Peters, in 2019 and has been a part of the family ever since. Madison is passionate about loving and serving others and serves the organization by administering business operations and HR responsibilities. Madison and her husband have a son, Tripp, and enjoy spending time building meaningful community, working out, and playing with their two pups, Skye and Dixie.

    Madison joined our team in January of 2021! She is a Franklin, TN native and married Narrow Gate graduate, Charlie Peters, in 2019 and has been a part of the family ever since. Madison is passionate about loving and serving others and serves the organization by administering business operations and HR responsibilities. Madison and her husband have a son, Tripp, and enjoy spending time building meaningful community, working out, and playing with their two pups, Skye and Dixie.


    Katelyn joined The Narrow Gate team in June of 2023, however, her family has had a deep connection with Narrow Gate for many years prior. Her husband, Martin Coleman, graduated from the program in 2008 and has been the Woodshop Manager for Narrow Gate Woodworks since 2018.  Marty and Katelyn became parents to their son Judah Paul in November of 2019. Katelyn assists the development team in marketing, social media efforts, donor relations and event coordinating. Her passions include serving others, preparing home cooked meals for her family, and growing her herb garden!

    Katelyn joined The Narrow Gate team in June of 2023, however, her family has had a deep connection with Narrow Gate for many years prior. Her husband, Martin Coleman, graduated from the program in 2008 and has been the Woodshop Manager for Narrow Gate Woodworks since 2018.  Marty and Katelyn became parents to their son Judah Paul in November of 2019. Katelyn assists the development team in marketing, social media efforts, donor relations and event coordinating. Her passions include serving others, preparing home cooked meals for her family, and growing her herb garden!

  • Our Tenets

    Narrow Gate Foundation is a christian interdenominational organization

    We are more concerned with heart attitudes than behavior
    Jesus warned the Pharisees about their perfect behavior even while they had anger or lust in their hearts.  Many of the young men who come to Narrow Gate have acquired some destructive habits.  We believe in focusing on transformation of the heart, which leads to new behaviors born out of an appreciation for what God has done for them through His Son, Jesus Christ.  While it takes many months (and sometimes years) to break destructive habits…once there has been a “heart transplant” God continues the sanctification process for the young man throughout his entire life on earth. Key Scripture – Matthew 12:35

    We teach through sharing personal life experience, learning God’s word, and modeling Christ-like attitudes
    As Christians, we are called to be a witness…not a judge…not a lawyer…but to only tell what we’ve seen God do in our own lives.  That is why most of the Narrow Gate staff consists of young men who have graduated from Narrow Gate and can personally identify with other students’ struggles. There was only one perfect Christian, Jesus Christ.  So our Narrow Gate staff is not expected to perform perfectly in their duties, but to always strive to demonstrate Christ-like attitudes and hearts of repentance for shortcomings. Key Scripture – Philippians 4:9

    We believe mercy and compassion are to be offered more often than correction and instruction
    Jesus constantly offers never-ending mercy and compassion to a lost world. At Narrow Gate we believe that you must earn the right to speak correction into someone’s life to evoke serious change.  We are more concerned with correcting hearts or attitudes than we are behaviors and will focus on the heart issue as it is manifested in a student’s behavior. Key Scripture – Micah 6:8

    We believe in sacrificing ourselves and our resources for the good of others
    No greater gift does a man have than this; that he lay down his life for his brother.  We strive to demonstrate this scripture everyday and give of our time, talents and resources.  We also expect that all graduates of Narrow Gate accept this scripture as a principle of their life and strive to live it out daily. Key Scripture – John 15:13; Philippians 4:17

    We believe the only life-long solution to any problem is found in discovering your true identity in Christ
    Jesus came not only to save us but also to give us abundant life.  We help young men discover who they are according to God’s Word.  Once they discover what God says about them, they spend the next few phases learning how to live out their true identity in Christ.  Believing the truth about who God says you are radically changes your beliefs about yourself and, in turn, your life-long behaviors. Key Scripture – 2 Corinthians 5:16-17

    We believe in creating an environment for change, not changing people
    At Narrow Gate, we understand that we are God’s workmanship.  We can only share the truth and let God’s Holy Spirit cut through to the heart.  Narrow Gate is designed to create an environment for change, but each student determines when and how much they are willing to change as prompted by God. Key Scripture – Titus 2:11-14

    We believe contentment is found by being willing to accept less than you are due
    When Jesus was tempted in the desert, Satan only offered him what He was due as the Son of God.  Jesus was willing to accept less than He was due and we expect our staff and our students to learn to do the same with joy and contentment. Key Scripture – Philippians 2:5-11

    We believe parity is not required or to be expected
    We believe that every life is gifted and challenged uniquely.  It is that unique set of gifts and challenges that builds the character and personality of every person we serve.  We believe that Scripture teaches us that every individual has a specific role or function within the body of Christ and it is our endeavor to help each individual discover that role.  At Narrow Gate, we use the absence of parity in every facet of life to expose the corrosive practices of covetousness, envy, and materialism while strengthening the character qualities of contentment, gratitude, and humility so that every individual can learn to steward the blessings entrusted to them by their maker.  Key Scripture – Luke 19:12-27

    We believe in unity through the blood of Jesus
    God’s Word instructs us to love one another by serving each other.  At Narrow Gate, we believe that living in a spirit of unity is one of God’s commandments.  Each class works together and moves through the program together.  If your brother is struggling, you don’t leave him behind…you adjust your life to bring him up.  When necessary, staff and students are encouraged to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. Key Scripture – Ephesians 4:1-13

  • Board of Directors

    Kurt Beasley, Esquire
    Waterford Law Group

    Daryl Walny
    Carbine & Associates

    Don White
    Athens Distributing

    Phil Stoner

    Don Lawrence
    Surgical Labs

    PJ Heimmerman
    FunAttic Music

    Bob Rogers
    President (Retired)
    Development Dimensions International

    Bill Spencer
    Executive Director
    Narrow Gate Foundation

    Stacy Spencer
    Executive Director
    Narrow Gate Foundation

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Download our free Identity PDF for 30 verses you can use every day to combat lies and help answer the question, Who am I?