WE HOPE YOU WILL PLAN TO Join us at any event this year & celebrate what god Has done at narrow gate Over the past

20 Years

Upcoming Events


We hope you will join us at our events this year & celebrate what God has done at NG over the past

20 Years

Private Home Events

Interested in scheduling your own Private Home Event? Contact Abby Williams at abbywilliams@narrowgate.org


Loveless Cafe Barn, Nashville, TN

8400 TN-100, Nashville, TN
Breakfast event begins at 7am, Lunch event begins at 11:30am
Free but MUST REGISTER for this year-end event. Interested in being a Table Sponsor? Contact Angie Cornwell at angiecornwell@narrowgate.org

Greatest Gift Event Registration

Attendee Name 1(Required)
Attendee Name 2
Attendee Name 3
Which event would you like to attend?(Required)

Learn More about our Woodshop Classes

Interested in one of our Artisan Education Woodshop Classes? Let us know!

What does the Bible say about you?

Download our free Identity PDF for 30 verses you can use every day to combat lies and help answer the question, Who am I?

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